I didn't realize that Roberto's disfellowshipping would cause so much attention. Roberto is very outgoing and speaks fluent English. However, he said that he will tell us why he was disfellowshipped only in French! Only kidding. I don't think Roberto will have any problem letting us know why he was disfellowshipped. To some, disfellowshipping is disgraceful. To others, it is the best thing that ever happened!
the research lady
JoinedPosts by the research lady
Recently disfellowshipped prominent Assembly overseer in Western Europe now speaking out against the Watchtower org.
by the research lady informer elder, and assembly overseer roberto from france will be joining barbara and joe anderson on tonight's conference call, july 18,2009. roberto was disfellowshipped in june 2009 and after many faithful years of service is now joining thousands of others who are speaking out against the evils of the watchtower organization.
our call tonight will be focused on how the country of france, as well as other european countries are investigating jehovah's witnesses.
the watchtower organization is experiencing difficulties in these countries for the inhumane treatment and exerting too much control over people's lives.
Recently disfellowshipped prominent Assembly overseer in Western Europe now speaking out against the Watchtower org.
by the research lady informer elder, and assembly overseer roberto from france will be joining barbara and joe anderson on tonight's conference call, july 18,2009. roberto was disfellowshipped in june 2009 and after many faithful years of service is now joining thousands of others who are speaking out against the evils of the watchtower organization.
our call tonight will be focused on how the country of france, as well as other european countries are investigating jehovah's witnesses.
the watchtower organization is experiencing difficulties in these countries for the inhumane treatment and exerting too much control over people's lives.
the research lady
Former elder, and assembly overseer Roberto from France will be joining Barbara and Joe Anderson on tonight's conference call, July 18,2009. Roberto was disfellowshipped in June 2009 and after many faithful years of service is now joining thousands of others who are speaking out against the evils of the Watchtower organization. Our call tonight will be focused on how the country of France, as well as other European countries are investigating Jehovah's Witnesses. The Watchtower organization is experiencing difficulties in these countries for the inhumane treatment and exerting too much control over people's lives. Everyone is invited to dial in and join a large number of people from all over the world to hear the rumblings going on in Western Europe about Jehovah's Witnesses and how many governments are not pleased with the conduct of the Watchtower organization . Here are some links you may find interesting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIVILUDES http://www.icsahome.com/default.asp It's easy to get in on the call just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. There is no charge for the call just your normal calling rates apply. The pre-show starts at 6:30 p.m.EST and the Six Screens of the Watchtower starts at 7 p.m. EST.
Barbara Anderson just returned from Europe where she vigorously criticized WTs dangerously harmful policies.
by koolaid-man informer bethelites and wt critics, barbara and joe anderson, just returned from a month in europe where barbara spoke at five conferences in three countries.
she was also interviewed by the italian press and met with a number of italian religious officials.
in france, she met with french government officials and representatives of anti-cult organizations.
the research lady
Barbara Anderson makes for a great guest. Many people call in when she has been on the conference call. She is like a "walking encyclopedia". The former Jehovah's Witness community is so glad to have a person like Barbara speaking up in exposing the Watchtower org. To listen to past conference calls click this link. http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/sixscreens-conferencecall.html
New videos 2009 Memorial demonstration
by the research lady inmore and more former jehovah's witnesses as well as christian groups, opposers, and cult exposers are speaking up concerning the dangers of the watchtower organization.
all it takes for jehovah's witnesses to see what the watchtower is hiding behind can be one small flaw in their doctrine, hear or read something critical of the watchtower org.
and they begin to examine more and they start looking for the exit door of the kingdom hall.
the research lady
More videos can be seen here. http://www.youtube.com/user/araretreat
New videos 2009 Memorial demonstration
by the research lady inmore and more former jehovah's witnesses as well as christian groups, opposers, and cult exposers are speaking up concerning the dangers of the watchtower organization.
all it takes for jehovah's witnesses to see what the watchtower is hiding behind can be one small flaw in their doctrine, hear or read something critical of the watchtower org.
and they begin to examine more and they start looking for the exit door of the kingdom hall.
the research lady
More and more former Jehovah's Witnesses as well as Christian groups, opposers, and cult exposers are speaking up concerning the dangers of the Watchtower organization. All it takes for Jehovah's Witnesses to see what the Watchtower is hiding behind can be one small flaw in their doctrine, hear or read something critical of the Watchtower org. and they begin to examine more and they start looking for the exit door of the Kingdom Hall.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTfsCZ9ykIQ -
Pray then, this way......
by AK - Jeff inat least i have/do at times.. dear god.
why is knowing you so confusing?
why are you dependent on my 'faith'?
the research lady
Here are some thoughts to keep in mind. Job 2:9-10--"Then his wife said to him, "Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die!" But he said to her, "you speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?" In all this Job did not sin with his lips. Also Romans 8:16-18 says--"The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us." verse 32--He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, How will He not also with Him give us all things?"(NASB) I find comfort in these as well as so many other scriptures as i have asked many of the same questions you have wondered about. It is o.k. to pray and ask God questions we have. He will answer in His good time. Something we were not allowed to do as Jehovah's Witnesses. Oh yes, we could ask questions, just don't question their answers.
Jehovah explained by WT
by PSacramento incan anyone confirm what i read on another website that the aid to bible undertsanding, 1971 pages 884-885, admit that the term jehovah is a combination of yhwh and the words adonia and elohim and that scholars generally favour "yahweh" as the correct pronunciation?.
is this correct?.
the research lady
Here is an interesting quote concerning the name Jehovah from the March 1,1991 Watchtower page 28 par. 1 under the title God's Personal Name. "Many object to the use of the name Jehovah here. It is, however, just one of the more than 200 places where that name appears in the New World Translation of the Christian Greek scriptures, the so-called New Testament. True, no early surviving Greek manuscript of the New Testament contains the personal name of God". Here the Watchtower org. is, in writing, admitting that the name is not found in any Greek manuscript but, they decided to insert it there anyway. (Revelation 22: 18-19 says "I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book;if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book;and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book". NASB
the research lady
What a precious child. Thank you for sharing her picture with us. It put a smile on my face too, especially to see the two of you together.
JW policy on Girl Guides and Scouts?
by HB ini have come to this forum on the recommendation of an ex jehovah's witness who has been very helpful.
although he has given me some useful information, he suggested i post my question on here too to see what others have to say.
being new, i am not sure if i have chosen the right topic heading but if not forgive me!.
the research lady
Tell your friend to do what she wants. Try to convince her that if she continues to study with the Witnesses she will be told a lot of things not to get involved in that are not even mentioned in the Bible. One example is the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to join the YMCA or the YWCA even if it is only to use the pool. However, when I was baptised many years ago, I was baptised in the swimming pool at the YMCA! That is only one example of the double standards the Watchtower org. practices. Tell her to check out some websites too. Here's ours. www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com Don't let the music scare you, the young people love it.
Personal experience of accepting Jesus as God, how was it for you?
by digderidoo ini have decided to start another thread to the one on jesus...god or god's son?.
the reason for this is that i started a thread really looking for personal experiences, looking for reasons those with a jw background would change their opinion on this.
i wanted to know why those that believe that jesus is god now feel this, whereas years ago they didn't.. i think it's a shame the other thread has descended into a debate between trinitarians and jw apologists, whereas only a couple of posters responded to my original post.
the research lady
Amazing has said it all. AMEN